Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery
/@ dreaming by dusk
How do you feel right now? What is the thing you’re wishing for or worrying about the most? These are questions I try to ask myself at least once a day. I like to have check-ins with myself to keep myself on track with my goals.
Lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by all the goals laid out in front of me. It is as if I am achieving everything and nothing at once.
So, I’ve been thinking a lot about what motivates and inspires me to keep pursuing the life I want to have.
This comes at a time when I am trying my best to figure out my own path (on my own). I’ve been thinking a lot about my personal growth, relationships, career paths, and other creative goals.
What’s something you’ve been thinking a lot about?
Today, I thought I’d share a list of 20 journaling prompts about self-discovery. Consider this as a resource you can keep coming back to when you need inspiration for your own journal therapy. For when you feel as lost and confused as I feel sometimes.
Personal growth:
What is your negative self-talk saying to you? How can you change it?
List all the things that are making you feel stressed and overwhelmed. Why are they stressful? What can you do about it right now?
Knowing what you know now, what life lessons would you give to your younger self? What about your future self?
Where is your attention at lately? What is taking up your time, energy and resources? Is this good or bad?
We all have different opinions on what happiness is. What does happiness mean for you?
What are 3 things you value the most in any relationship and why?
How do you stay friends with someone for a long time? What is the secret?
What are deal breakers and boundaries you have for both platonic and romantic relationships?
What lessons can you hold onto from past relationships (familial, platonic, or romantic)?
Who are the most important people to you? Why is that?
Career paths:
Do you think that productivity equals success and happiness? What are your thoughts?
What do you enjoy the most about your job? What do you hate the most about your job?
In your mind, where do you picture yourself 3, 5, and 10 years from now in your career?
Do you think that failure is as important as success? Why is that?
Talking about goals, what are your main priorities right now?
Creative projects:
What is it about this project that is so important to you? What draws you towards finishing it?
What is the most difficult part of this project? How can you overcome that obstacle?
What do you run to for inspiration? Is it nature? An artist? A person? List them all.
What can you start doing to make your creative project a reality?
Everyone has their own creative process. What is your ideal creative process?