The benefits of keeping a journal
/@ dreaming by dusk
Keeping a journal is about so much more than sparking your creativity and planning out your life. In many ways, journaling is profoundly helpful and impactful for self-development and stress management.
Whether it is first thing in the morning or the last hour before you go to bed, fitting in half an hour for daily journaling can be beneficial to your well-being and growth. And it doesn’t take a lot to begin a daily journaling activity.
You can write it down on paper, type it out on the computer, or even record your voice. You can follow writing prompts or you can follow your heart and translate what it says to you.
You can stop to collect and understand your thoughts and emotions as you go or you can let it flow as a stream of consciousness.
Today, I’m sharing 3 different ways in which keeping a daily journal can be incredibly beneficial to your life. I have experienced many of them myself and I can honestly say that my journaling practice has made me a better version of myself.
If you’re wondering about starting a daily journal and how it is great for you, stay here and read the rest of this post.
A journal can show your life at a glance.
One of my favourite features of a journal, which also happens to be the most basic one, is that it records every detail of your daily life. You can write about your highest, happiest moments alongside your saddest, lowest moments. Also, you can write about all your achievements and any setbacks you encountered along the way. For days, weeks, even months at a time.
Not everybody likes to page through their journal and only see their negative life experiences scribbled onto paper. Yet, reading through these pages can be worth it when they are supplemented with all the pages that focus on the good things you’ve experienced.
Personally, I enjoy reflecting by reading through my past self’s thoughts and feelings. It can be inspiring to see how much I have changed since then. To look back and not recognize that person you used to be, but thank and accept them all the same because that person led to who you are today.
Especially when the days go by so rapidly during the year and you don’t think to sit, stop, and look at each day with a new outlook. It is always great to encourage yourself to read your own story and let it help you towards the future you want to have.
When written correctly, a daily journal can present a balanced and unbiased point of view about yourself and your experiences. It has the potential to show your growth and progression through any emotions, thoughts, and experiences you might have during a specific time.
A journal can help you achieve your goals.
Whether it is a personal or professional goal or aspiration you have, writing it down in a journal can do 3 things for you. It holds you accountable, it keeps you motivated to carry through with it, and it offers encouragement and advice.
Another of my favourite parts of journaling is that it helps me to think about and decide on what my priorities are for each day, week, and month. This creates a map of tasks and activities that feed into a range of bigger goals and aspirations and breaks down the daunting process of setting and achieving goals.
Some people prefer vision boards when achieving their goals, and others might prefer text. And that’s why trackers and to-do lists are amazing additions to add to your journal. When you flip through the pages each night, you’re constantly reminded of these tasks and activities that you need to do.
And it is important to note that you are not a failure if you do not finish the tasks you set for yourself. Productivity does that equal success. You can learn about your progress from both your achievements and your setbacks when you reflect on them.
Writing your goals and aspirations down on paper gives them a sense of permanence and dedication, which can’t be so easily erased compared to typing it on a computer, or speaking it aloud. When you mark an important date or event in a calendar, you are committing to attend it. Making space for your goal planning and achieving in your journal will have the same effect.
A journal can offer you catharsis and healing.
Speaking from personal experience, this is, perhaps, the most important part of writing in a journal for me. Journaling in a way that encourages mindful and reflective action can help you process all your emotions, thoughts, and responses to situations, both negative AND positive.
Like this, a daily journal can also help you manage and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, and make you more self-aware and confident about how you react in certain situations.
Especially if you are someone who needs to spend time alone, collecting your thoughts, before you hand them over to someone else to analyse and give advice about. For instance, I used to unload a lot of my anxiety and sadness onto my friends. Now, instead of overstepping with them or relying on them, I pause, take a step back and try to deal with things on my own first before I even consider speaking to them about it.
Journaling in this way can be incredibly beneficial. Whether you value self-awareness or you lack it, writing about your innermost thoughts and feelings can help you understand yourself on a deeper level.
There you have it! These are 3 of the most important benefits of writing daily in a journal. Journaling can help you record every moment of your life, it can inspire and guide you towards achieving your goals, and it can give you a sense of emotional relief and closure. I hope you found this post helpful at the beginning of your journaling journey. I wish you the best.
Happy journaling!