Different ways to fill empty journals: part 1

Different ways to fill empty journals: part 1

So, it’s that time of the year when the pages are starting to become fewer and fewer in my bullet journal. When that happens, I run along to my favourite stationery store, wishing, wishing, that I will find a new journal for a decent price. And I did.

I love when $17 journals turn into $5 journals… It’s one of the best deals when you’re a journal enthusiast. The downside of that deal is I also end up buying more journals than I need. It’s in my nature! I can’t help it.

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The benefits of keeping a journal

The benefits of keeping a journal

Keeping a journal is about so much more than sparking your creativity and planning out your life. In many ways, journaling is profoundly helpful and impactful for self-development and stress management.

Whether it is first thing in the morning or the last hour before you go to bed, fitting in half an hour for daily journaling can be beneficial to your well-being and growth. And it doesn’t take a lot to begin a daily journaling activity.

You can write it down on paper, type it out on the computer, or even record your voice. You can follow writing prompts or you can follow your heart and translate what it says to you.

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Writing Inspiration: Greek Mythology (Part 3)

Writing Inspiration: Greek Mythology (Part 3)

Greek mythology is my favourite source of inspiration for creative writing (as you might’ve guessed by now). One reason why is that the characters in Greek mythology are unforgivably human and complex.

Divine or mortal, every man and woman has their flaws and strengths; and thanks to a contemporary fascination with classical studies, a lot more people are writing about the gods, heroes, and heroines in a modern context.

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how to practise self-love every day

how to practise self-love every day

The act of loving yourself is a steady, ongoing lesson you have to learn on your own. When you focus on the positive relationship you have with yourself, amazing things can happen for you.

You stop worrying about what others think of you. You no longer give into negative thoughts and negative energies. You learn to embrace your imperfections as much as your best traits. You start to treat yourself with respect and love.

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My favourite quotes (part 1)

My favourite quotes (part 1)

I thought I’d take it easy this week with one of my favourite things in the world to do. A roundup of some of my favourite quotes.

Since I’ve been focusing on other projects in my life outside of this blog, I’ve been reading up on a lot of content that will inspire confidence, determination and self-love.

These are feelings I want to evoke every day as I work to achieve everything I set my eyes on, in all areas of my life.

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Creative writing inspiration: Greek mythology (part 2)

Creative writing inspiration: Greek mythology (part 2)

People always ask me what I’m going to do with my Classical Studies degree. Well, here’s one thing I always use it for.

I have become a storyteller. I find people around me and I narrate my favourite stories about the ancient Greek world. It’s not that grand, but it still feels like I am carrying on this age-old tradition. Of passing stories down by word-of-mouth.

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How to decorate a cozy bedroom

How to decorate a cozy bedroom

Decorating my bedroom has been a long process over the years. I started out by collecting photographs for inspiration. Then, I planned how I wanted the space to look and made a wish list of items I wanted to fill the space with. Of course, I also watched A LOT of room tour videos on YouTube.

I’m incredibly happy with the outcome considering that my current bedroom took me at least 2-3 decorating sessions to get it just right. Having spent that amount of time focusing on my surroundings, I learned 2 key things.

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How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

In high school, I suffered a lot of anxiety and insecurity because I compared myself to others. I never learned how to love and be confident in myself as an adolescent. In hindsight, it doesn’t surprise me that this mindset carried with me into my first year of university, only on a greater scale.

On campus, there were women who were prettier than me. There were people who dressed better, spoke better, who really put themselves out there and tried new things. There were people who made new friends – heaps of them – and people who traveled a lot.

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How I Create Characters For My Writing

How I Create Characters For My Writing

Today, we have access to countless writing resources because of the internet and social media. Already, the writing community on Tumblr is thriving and National Novel Writing Month – or NaNoWriMo – is more popular than ever with young, seasoned and aspiring writers.

It is never a challenge to find inspiration for your own writing when you have all these resources available to you. We’ve created an environment where everyone is welcome – no, encouraged - to share their writing and creative process.

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