how to practise self-love every day
/@ dreaming by dusk
The act of loving yourself is a steady, ongoing lesson you have to learn on your own. When you focus on the positive relationship you have with yourself, amazing things can happen for you.
You stop worrying about what others think of you. You no longer give into negative thoughts and negative energies. You learn to embrace your imperfections as much as your best traits. You start to treat yourself with respect and love.
You live a happy, healthy life.
I’m still learning how to love myself. I’ve been thinking lately about all the things I wish I could tell my younger self. I know my adolescent years would’ve been happier if I had learned about self-love and gained self-confidence sooner.
It’s never too late. Just because I didn’t know these things back then, it doesn’t mean I can’t do them now. Here are 5 things you can also do to practise self-love every day. I hope these give you some inspiration.
1. Compliment yourself
To me, self-love isn’t about having a ‘glow up’. It is about learning to love and appreciate what you were born with, what you’ve gained and what you’re talented at.
It’s so important to realize there is more to a person than their appearance. That we can be beautiful in more than one way. Such as the other great qualities that make up whom we are. Such as skills, hobbies, personality traits and strengths.
Compliment yourself on all of these things because they are what define you. Not your physical beauty. Celebrate what makes you unique, talented and strong. Build up a list of compliments and affirmations. Write them down, record them, speak them.
2. Avoid comparison
Recently, my mum said something like this to me: “the only person you should be comparing yourself to is who you were last year.” She was right. You truly have no business comparing your life – all your experiences – to someone who will have different experiences to you.
Sometimes, it is easier said than done, but you can begin by choosing to cheer for yourself and others around you. Self-love begins when you see everyone working together, instead of against each other.
And when you do start to compare, ask yourself “why?”. What is it about the other person that you like? What is inspiring about them?
3. Invest in yourself
There is more than one way to practise self-love in your daily life. It is about looking after your well-being, in many aspects.
Investing in yourself could be anything that focuses on your well-being. Such as adopting good habits ad neglecting old, bad ones. It could be signing up for a fitness or hobby class you enjoy. It could be doing something new and exciting during the weekend. It could be watching an educational video or doing an e-course online. It could be removing the things in your life that don’t serve you anymore.
When you give attention to specific areas of your life, and pursue things that will make you happier, you feel more confident. You have taken the time to put your needs first and there is nothing wrong with that.
4. Spend time alone
Whether you’re introverted or extroverted, spending time in solitude is helpful for you. On your own, you have time to focus on yourself and your happiness. You find ways to channel your creativity and productivity when it is just you against the world.
Reading a book in bed or taking yourself on a shopping trip, you learn to enjoy your own company. Sometimes, you need it after being around a lot of people and their energies. When you spend time alone, you decide to prioritize and value yourself more. Directing the energy you have towards yourself is essential to self-love.
5. Pamper yourself
This is the oldest, easiest act of self-love in the book. Self-care. I’ve always thought it to be intertwined with self-love. Doing self-care activities are a great way of looking after yourself.
Sheet masks, clay masks, bubble baths. These are some of the classic things you can do to practise self-care. There are other things you can do as well. like spending time in nature, stargazing, making your favourite drink or snack, lighting candles or curling up in a blanket.
Set aside a time in the week to pamper yourself and make the most of it.
These are 5 things you can do each day to practise self-love activities, to build your self-esteem and self-confidence. I hope these inspire you to focus more on self-love in your daily routine. Don’t forget to like and to social media!
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