Writing Inspiration: Greek Mythology (Part 3)

Writing Inspiration: Greek Mythology (Part 3)

Greek mythology is my favourite source of inspiration for creative writing (as you might’ve guessed by now). One reason why is that the characters in Greek mythology are unforgivably human and complex.

Divine or mortal, every man and woman has their flaws and strengths; and thanks to a contemporary fascination with classical studies, a lot more people are writing about the gods, heroes, and heroines in a modern context.

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Creative writing inspiration: Greek mythology (part 2)

Creative writing inspiration: Greek mythology (part 2)

People always ask me what I’m going to do with my Classical Studies degree. Well, here’s one thing I always use it for.

I have become a storyteller. I find people around me and I narrate my favourite stories about the ancient Greek world. It’s not that grand, but it still feels like I am carrying on this age-old tradition. Of passing stories down by word-of-mouth.

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How I Create Characters For My Writing

How I Create Characters For My Writing

Today, we have access to countless writing resources because of the internet and social media. Already, the writing community on Tumblr is thriving and National Novel Writing Month – or NaNoWriMo – is more popular than ever with young, seasoned and aspiring writers.

It is never a challenge to find inspiration for your own writing when you have all these resources available to you. We’ve created an environment where everyone is welcome – no, encouraged - to share their writing and creative process.

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writing inspiration: Greek mythology (part 1)

writing inspiration: Greek mythology (part 1)

Who loves fairy tales? I know I do. While I think that they’re an amazing source for writing inspiration, I also feel that there are other places that we haven’t yet dared to look.

I was obsessed with Greek mythology in my high school years. And before you ask, no I didn’t read the Percy Jackson books.

What I did do is take a class in Classical Studies in my final year, and I enjoyed it so much that I decided to major in it at university.

Most people have only heard of the mythic Trojan War. Either they read the “Iliad” or they watched the movie or BBC tv series. When I made Classical Studies the focus of my education, I learned that there is so much more out there.

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