How to make a cozy reading nook

How to make a cozy reading nook

Every space in my bedroom has its purpose. My desk is where I work and blog. My bed is where I sleep or relax. My cozy nook is where I read, write, and draw.

The last of these has become my favourite spot, a place for me to channel all my creative thinking and energy into something I am passionate about. You know how kids have clubhouses or tents made out of bed-sheets and chairs? I think a reading nook is the equivalent for grown-ups…at least to me.

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How to decorate a cozy bedroom

How to decorate a cozy bedroom

Decorating my bedroom has been a long process over the years. I started out by collecting photographs for inspiration. Then, I planned how I wanted the space to look and made a wish list of items I wanted to fill the space with. Of course, I also watched A LOT of room tour videos on YouTube.

I’m incredibly happy with the outcome considering that my current bedroom took me at least 2-3 decorating sessions to get it just right. Having spent that amount of time focusing on my surroundings, I learned 2 key things.

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