How to decorate a cozy bedroom

How to decorate a cozy bedroom

Decorating my bedroom has been a long process over the years. I started out by collecting photographs for inspiration. Then, I planned how I wanted the space to look and made a wish list of items I wanted to fill the space with. Of course, I also watched A LOT of room tour videos on YouTube.

I’m incredibly happy with the outcome considering that my current bedroom took me at least 2-3 decorating sessions to get it just right. Having spent that amount of time focusing on my surroundings, I learned 2 key things.

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How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

In high school, I suffered a lot of anxiety and insecurity because I compared myself to others. I never learned how to love and be confident in myself as an adolescent. In hindsight, it doesn’t surprise me that this mindset carried with me into my first year of university, only on a greater scale.

On campus, there were women who were prettier than me. There were people who dressed better, spoke better, who really put themselves out there and tried new things. There were people who made new friends – heaps of them – and people who traveled a lot.

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