Journal Prompts For Finding Clarity

@ dreaming by dusk

@ dreaming by dusk

I know I’m not the only one to finish high school and feel less prepared for university AND for the post-university part that comes afterward. Put a bunch of graduates together in a room and they’ll probably all say the same thing: “what the heck am I supposed to do now?”

In saying that, I think a big part of growing up is that you’re never fully prepared for anything. You’ll never have all the answers at once and you have to go-with-the-flow and collect those answers along the way.

You’re meant to find those answers for yourself instead of being lectured them. Even so, I won’t lie, learning more about adulthood a little bit earlier, or being prompted to think more deeply about my future self, would’ve been beneficial when I look back at my past self 5 years ago (no way, has it been that long?).

I think no matter what you study, there are always going to be more opportunities than you’re prepared for, and that means sitting down and thinking about what path or paths you want to explore and put time, energy, and effort into. You might even study one thing and decide to do something entirely unrelated.

Here are 20 journaling prompts to help you find clarity about what you want to do with your life. To gain more perspective about your purpose, your passion, your future! I wish I’d written these for myself earlier, too, but there’s no shame in starting a little bit late. We all grow and feel prepared at different times.


20 journal prompts for finding clarity

  1. Write about one activity that gives you a sense of fulfilment.

  2. Write about how you can have a positive impact on the world around you.

  3. Write about what is scaring you the most (about the future).

  4. Create a list of ways to show kindness and compassion for yourself in hard times.

  5. What is one thing you need to have to be able to succeed? How can you obtain it?

  6. Write about 3-5 things you are passionate about.

  7. Write about what makes you excited about the future.

  8. List all the special skills that you have.

  9. How can you be paid for your unique skills?

  10. What do you think the world needs more of?

  11. Write about 3-5 different job roles and/or careers that interest you. What excites you about them?

  12. What do you have control over in your life? What do you not have control over?

  13. Finish the sentence: “I am drawn to _______ because ____”

  14. Write about what you do, how you do it, and finally why you do it.

  15. What are your ambitions or goals for the next 3-5 years?

  16. Imagine you’re 10 years old again. What do you want to be when you grow up?

  17. What parts of your dream life are you willing to negotiate or part with?

  18. What parts of your dream life are non-negotiable?

  19. Are you being idealistic or realistic about your future?

  20. What kind of work do you want to do? (think menial, repetitive, directed, creative, independent, hands-on, collaborative, procedural, problem-solving, etc.)

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