Journal Prompts For Self-Compassion

Journal Prompts For Self-Compassion

To me, a journal is many things simultaneously. It is a place to collect your thoughts, a place to rest and unburden yourself, and a place to share your excitement and gratitude. Like running or drawing, writing in a journal is a skill and talent you build over time. The quality of your writing may get better, but the most important thing is that your ability to be truthful and open up to yourself grows over time.

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Page Ideas For A Daily Journal

Page Ideas For A Daily Journal

Journaling is one of the only ways I know how to express my creativity. It’s a medium that seems halfway between writing and painting. For a while, I’ve been neglecting my journals, mostly because I haven’t been able to print photos and other elements and create the beautiful pages and collages I want. I switched to a digital journal for bullet journaling and daily planning too. But the more I see pictures of aesthetic, pretty journal pages on social media, the more I want to return to my old hobbies.

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Journal Prompts For Finding Clarity

Journal Prompts For Finding Clarity

I know I’m not the only one to finish high school and feel less prepared for university AND for the post-university part that comes afterward. Put a bunch of graduates together in a room and they’ll probably all say the same thing: “what the heck am I supposed to do now?”

In saying that, I think a big part of growing up is that you’re never fully prepared for anything. You’ll never have all the answers at once and you have to go-with-the-flow and collect those answers along the way.

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Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery

Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery

How do you feel right now? What is the thing you’re wishing for or worrying about the most? These are questions I try to ask myself at least once a day. I like to have check-ins with myself to keep myself on track with my goals.

Lately, I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by all the goals laid out in front of me. It is as if I am achieving everything and nothing at once.

So, I’ve been thinking a lot about what motivates and inspires me to keep pursuing the life I want to have.

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Journal Prompts for Reflection

Journal Prompts for Reflection

As 2019 comes to a close, the month of December is starting to feel like a great time to think about the past, present and future. To reflect on all your goals for the new year and all the achievements AND failures.

Holding onto memories is so important, especially if you want to look back on them one day. Writing in a journal is a great way to do this.

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