Journal With Me: June 2020
/@ dreaming by dusk
The thing I love the most about my bullet journal is its major role in my personal life. The pages record everything in from my health to the highs and lows of each month.
The more I write in my journal, the more I try to be creative and try new ways to use it.
This month I did something really fun and experimental. I made a journaling kit on Photoshop!
It has day-of-the-week tabs, labels, notepads, and also a collection of photos for collages.
I am happy with how it turned out, but I’m already thinking up ways to improve the next journal kit I make.
Today, I’m sharing my bullet journal spread for June 2020. I also thought it would be helpful to share some page ideas that you may want to use in your journal. If you’re looking for bullet journal tips and inspiration, stay here and read the rest of this post!
Weekly spreads:
The items I cut out from my journal kit are used in the weekly spreads. I arranged the day-of-the-week tabs across the 2 pages and I used label tabs on one side of the page to create a column.
These other tabs are more fun and creative. They’re spaces for a quote of the week, a song of the week, and a writing excerpt of the week (because I am encouraging myself this month to write a little every day).
I also added some images on the pages to cover blank spaces. It looks sparse now, but I know I’ll cover it up with more colours and drawings as the month goes on.
I enjoy filling in weekly spreads like this because I can see my week at a glance. I can see what I achieved, how I was feeling, and what I was doing.
Lessons learned:
After the weekly spreads, I added a page for lessons learned throughout the month. It is a page to record meaningful and educational content in your bullet journal.
Such as podcast episodes, YouTube videos, blog posts, articles, books, or even social media posts.
I plan to use this page to jot down any interesting content I’ve learned about personal development, as this is still a major goal for me.
The great thing about this page is that it encourages me to seek out meaningful social media accounts and to use social media mindfully.
Habit trackers:
The next pages are dedicated to habit trackers. I draw these in the same pattern as the calendar so that the numbers and boxes align to the days of the month.
As always, I track habits of writing, reading, blogging, studying, and journaling. Recently, I’ve added self-care, miscellaneous, and social media activities to these habit trackers as well.
I use habit trackers to build and maintain good habits for my creativity and more. In a way, they’re more like daily to-do lists.
Health trackers:
These pages are the most important in my journal. Especially as someone who experiences acne breakouts, stress, anxiety, and sleeping problems from time to time.
For these trackers, I tend to focus on skincare, exercise, diet & eating, sleep, stress & anxiety, any vitamins or medication, and the days of my period.
I like recording them because these elements of my health affecting each other and I make it my mission to understand it.
Blog/social media summary:
I thought about tracking my blog and social media progress in an excel spreadsheet. But I prefer the idea of writing about it in my journal like I do everything else in my life.
Adding this to my monthly spread has helped me to see all the progress I’ve made with my website and social media accounts and how my hard work has paid off. It is like a monthly website/social media audit to see what works and what doesn’t work
Some page ideas for your journal:
Weekly log: read through your daily entries for the week and then write a page-long reflection of the week.
Songs of the month: write down your favourite songs of the month (or new songs discovered).
Quotes of the month: write down any phrases and passages of text from books, poems, songs, tv shows, films, social media posts.
Currently watching/reading/listening: write down any tv shows, films, and books that you’ve read during the month.
Wish list: write down anything you want that is related to outings, shopping, and more.
Meal planners: write down your meal prep and shopping list for the week.
Mood trackers: draw an elaborate page and use a colour palette to track various emotions you have every day in the month.
Gratitude: write down something you are grateful for at least once a week or until the page is full.
To do list: write down any goals, tasks, activities, or errands that you want to accomplish in the month.
Important dates/events: create a calendar for any social, work, or family events that you want to attend.
Look books: make a collage of fashion outfits and photos that you like.
Vision board: make a collage of images for a vision/dream/manifestation board of the future you want to have.
Passwords: write a list of all your accounts and profiles and their passwords.
Recipes: write down your favourite recipes or new recipes you try in the month.
Reviews: write a page-length review of a book, film, tv show/episode, music album, or an event.