3 Journals To Write In Every Day

3 Journals To Write In Every Day

Everyone who knows me knows how much I love to write in my journals. It’s a daily part of my day, a habit, and a hobby. There’s something so poetic and dramatic about writing about every aspect of your life on paper.

Like any hobby or skill, I think that journaling is something you get better at over time. Such as how you write, how you set up pages, and organize your journals.

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How to write in a daily journal

How to write in a daily journal

Not too long ago, I wrote about all the ways that keeping a journal can improve your lifestyle, your growth, and your creativity. My favourite of these was that a journal is a great outlet for emotional healing and self-reflection. When you write in your journal for therapy or catharsis, you are focused on getting to the root of what has triggered you.

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Journal With Me: June 2020

Journal With Me: June 2020

The thing I love the most about my bullet journal is its major role in my personal life. The pages record everything in from my health to the highs and lows of each month.

The more I write in my journal, the more I try to be creative and try new ways to use it.

This month I did something really fun and experimental. I made a journaling kit on Photoshop! It has day-of-the-week tabs, labels, notepads, and also a collection of photos for collages.

I am happy with how it turned out, but I’m already thinking up ways to improve the next journal kit I make.

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journal page ideas for inner growth

journal page ideas for inner growth

I’ve always been interested in using my bullet journal for more than just tracking my day-to-day activities, and recently I found something that inspired me.

I was scrolling through some notes on my phone when I came across this thing I wrote to myself. It was a list of ideas for journal pages to help me in my personal journey for inner growth.

Something that matters to me right now. So much that I decided to make inner growth my theme for 2020.

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Journal With Me: December 2019

Journal With Me: December 2019

One of my favourite things about using a bullet journal is that it’s a creative outlet. With an empty journal, you get to decide what you write, how you write and how it looks. More than that, you get to be adaptable and experimental. To have fun with it.

In my journaling journey (great alliteration), I’ve tried so many things. I’ve used different styles of weekly summaries, habit trackers and mood trackers, to name some. At the end of every month, when I sit down to create the next spread, I always take a moment to think about what it is I want to focus on the following month.

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