Things I do to improve my night routine
/© dreaming by dusk
The mornings are a time for making sure you’re ready to conquer the day.
Similarly, the evenings are a time to focus on yourself, developing a sense of calm and good habits.
For a really long time, I dedicated my spare time at night to watching tv shows or finishing schoolwork.
Still, I learned quickly that there are other activities you can do. Habits you can adopt to help you have the best night possible. Any day of the week.
Why is this important, you ask? Because changing your behaviors at night can help you sleep better, relieve stress and increase mindfulness.
Below is a list of habits you can try out to change your night routine for the better.
Whether it’s the warmth of the ceramic mug in your hands or the soothing effect of herbal blends, drinking at least one cup of tea before bed can a great addition to your routine.
This going to sound silly, but because the tea is piping hot (and undrinkable until it cools a little) I always feel a little more focused and present. Dare I say it teaches me to be more patient.
My favorites are to drink peppermint tea after dinner, especially if I’m eating a late meal. Peppermint tea is said to help with digestion, so it’s a great natural remedy if you’d like to avoid feeling bloated after you eat.
And I always try to drink chamomile tea before I go to bed. It is a calming, relaxing blend and instantly makes me feel mellower and sleepier after drinking it.
I can honestly say that I have had the best, full nights of sleep when I have drunk chamomile tea beforehand.
One thing I would suggest is not having any milk or sugar with it, but that’s just my personal preference.
This is an absolute MUST for people who have difficulty sleeping unless there is white noise blaring around them. Some nights it is easy to just collapse into bed from exhaustion.
Other nights I also feel the need to listen to a good playlist….and then I wake up for 2 minutes in the early morning and the music is still playing!
Spotify even has a ‘sleep’ genre and countless playlists for white noise; like fire, forests or rainfall ambiance.
I specifically lean towards songs and playlists that have soft piano beats, music box tunes, or cinematic instrumentals that are gentle and melodic.
15 minutes OF YOGA
A yoga session on your bedroom floor or at a studio class is a perfect blend of exercise and mindfulness at the end of the day.
Whether it’s 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or longer it is a good way of stretching your muscles and moving your body one last time before you go to sleep.
Especially if you haven’t had a good opportunity to move around much during the day. You can find many resources on YouTube if you don’t have access to classes or studios in your area.
My favourite thing to do, without a doubt. Fill in the pages of your monthly planner or bullet journal. Take a moment to see where you are and reflect on your daily goals, activities and successes.
Also take this time to write introspectively about your emotions; the high or low points you experienced at different times throughout the day.
This is especially good if you don’t have anyone nearby that you can talk to. It is just as rewarding to have that same conversation with yourself. Some of the best conversations we have can be done solo.
Never leave anything to the last minute. Trust me. Eat dinner. Shower and do your skincare routine. Tidy up a little bit. I know from past experience that if you leave important tasks to the last minute, you’re not as invested in them or you forget to do them altogether.
Sometimes I have a bad habit of leaving my skincare until 5 minutes before I go to bed, and then in an effort to just be done with it, I skip the most important parts of it.
And skipping vital parts of my skincare routine has made my skin look and feel terrible the next day.
So, do everything that you need to do at least an hour before you go to sleep. Minimize the chances of stress at a time when you should feel nothing but relaxed.
There is research that says using technology can affect your ability to sleep before you go to bed. It is one reason to limit how much time you spend on phones, computers and/or tablets.
Another reason that I’ve come to realize is that using technology before bed can lead you to waste time scrolling through social media; watching videos that add no value to your time.
It is easy to get sucked in and incredibly difficult to pull yourself out of this habit.
That’s why you should encourage yourself to only go on devices and social media after a certain time. Give yourself a limit and stick to it. Such as using technology after 6:00 or 7:00pm.
This will also give your more quality time with your friends and family, or even with yourself and the tasks you want to get done.
Who else loves fairy lights? Because I am freaking obsessed with these. I have muted, warm-colored lights hung up around my bed and desk area.
Before this, I used to have standing lamps and bedside lamps and I would routinely use them as main sources of light after a certain hour at night.
It’s so much better settling in for the night when there is no harsh white light enveloping your bedroom space. So, invest in a soft glow bedside lamp or a meter-length string of lights.
These are also just really pretty and cozy and aesthetic.
Honestly, this is just a personal preference. It has nothing to do with eating habits or health or anything.
Drinking coffee late at night is a definite that you will have trouble sleeping. Notably, if you are easily affected by caffeine intake.
The same can be said of sugary drinks and foods. Sometimes they are nice, a real treat at the end of the day, but best consumed in moderation.
Save that junk food binge day for when you have friends over or are watching a movie marathon.