how to create a magic system for your fantasy novel

how to create a magic system for your fantasy novel

One of the things we love the most as readers of Fantasy and Speculative Fiction genres is the role that magic plays in the worlds, characters, and plots of the stories we love.

Think about popular YA fantasy works such as “Harry Potter”, “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, and most recently “Shadow And Bone”.

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World-building: How I draw fantasy maps

World-building: How I draw fantasy maps

I like maps. I think they’re great when you’re trying to figure out where your story is set and what the characters see in the world around them.

Now, I don’t consider myself an artist. My maps are messy, but I have learned a lot overtime about how to draw them. I thought it would be fun and helpful to share some of the tricks and tips I’ve discovered about fantasy mapmaking and worldbuilding.

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World-building Inspiration: Geography

World-building Inspiration: Geography

World-building is one of my favourite things to do. Especially when I find a new project to work on or I need a break from my current writing project.

Creating a unique, exciting world from scratch it what makes different fantasy novels so unique and exciting to read.

I’ve been thinking for a while now that fantasy literature is starting to make a comeback. And this makes writing fantasy even more inspiring and fun to do. But it is no easy feat. There is a lot of work that goes into creating a rich, imaginative world that feels real.

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