how to create a magic system for your fantasy novel

how to create a magic system for your fantasy novel

One of the things we love the most as readers of Fantasy and Speculative Fiction genres is the role that magic plays in the worlds, characters, and plots of the stories we love.

Think about popular YA fantasy works such as “Harry Potter”, “Avatar: The Last Airbender”, and most recently “Shadow And Bone”.

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How I find inspiration for writing

How I find inspiration for writing

There was a time when I hated researching and brainstorming details for the story I was working on. Now, I see it as a key part of the creative process. Ever since I have been seeking out new sources of ideas and inspiration when it comes to the stories I write (and aspire to write).

There are many things to research in the creative writing process. Such as ideas for names, places, and characters. Research is key because it shows you, as a writer, made an effort to add believability, originality, and authenticity to your creative work.

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Writing Inspiration: Fairy Tales (part 1)

Writing Inspiration: Fairy Tales (part 1)

Fairy tales and folklore are the stories that all children grow up reading; all the legends, myths, and fantastical musings about woodland creatures, daring princes, and granted wishes.

I think everyone has a fairy tale story that has meaning to them – the one that was their favourite when they were growing up.

These stories also have so much value and potential for writers and other artists because they have a greater meaning. Fairy tales are great for creative writing in so many different ways.

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