Tips for writing a first draft

Tips for writing a first draft

There is no right or wrong way to write the first draft of your novel. That’s one thing that new writers have in common with published authors. Getting the words written down on paper is one of the most stressful things to do. As a writer, I’m already learning so much about the value of perseverance, self-discipline, and self-compassion.

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How to keep track of your writing

How to keep track of your writing

For the last few years, I have struggled to keep track of my writing progress. My system of organizing everything was incoherent and inconsistent. I had documents scattered throughout different folders.

There were a great many writing journals with bookmarked pages. I will not even speak about the nonsensical way I recorded my writing ideas in the little Notes App on my phone. Before that, I only kept track of my writing inside my head.

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How to find the time and energy to write

How to find the time and energy to write

There are so many barriers and negative thoughts that can eat away at one’s sense of productivity or their creativity when it comes to the art of creative writing.

Especially, when you’re a new, aspiring writer when you’re working on your chapbook, story, comic, or novel on the sidelines of your everyday life.

I call these barriers writer’s block, imposter syndrome, self-doubt, exhaustion, perfectionism, fear of the future, and, of course, life in general.

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