Life Lessons I learned in my 20s

Life Lessons I learned in my 20s

As you learn new skills, find new resources, and gain new experiences it is easy to feel regret for not knowing these things earlier in life. I’m still young and yet there are times when I reflect on the behaviours and perspectives I had as a teenager.

I think about all the things I wish I could tell my younger self so that she could be more prepared for adulthood. Learning from mistakes and growing as an individual is how you become a better person; the best version of yourself that you can be.

Because of that, it is incredibly important not to feel regret for learning things later in life than expected.

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8 Things I've learned about creative writing

8 Things I've learned about creative writing

I’ve always loved creative writing, and it wasn’t until university that I realized it was one of my passions. I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t imaginative, creative, a day dreamer.

Now, at 21 I’ve realized that my imagination is one of my biggest strengths and it would be a shame to waste it.

Last year (2018) was the year I finally started to write with determination. To craft an entire story from nothing in my free time during my studies. Looking back, it was terrible but so is every other first draft.

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