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Page Ideas For A Daily Journal

Journaling is one of the only ways I know how to express my creativity. It’s a medium that seems halfway between writing and painting. For a while, I’ve been neglecting my journals, mostly because I haven’t been able to print photos and other elements and create the beautiful pages and collages I want. I switched to a digital journal for bullet journaling and daily planning too. But the more I see pictures of aesthetic, pretty journal pages on social media, the more I want to return to my old hobbies.

Today, I’m sharing some page ideas for your journal. Whether it is a bullet journal, a daily journal, or an art journal, these ideas will be perfect for you. I had a lot of fun planning and sketching out these pages for you to see, so I hope you’ll find them inspirational for the pages in your journal.

Music playlist

I love creating music playlists. Whether it is collecting new songs I’ve discovered, my all-time favourite songs I play on repeat, or if I am compiling a playlist inspired by a theme or mood. I used to keep my playlist pages very simple in my journal. Usually, listing the artist and the song. These pages are inspired by the Spotify layout on Desktop. I’m not sure how often I’ll use this exact page layout in the future, but for now, it is something new.

Daily log

This page is for you if you enjoy planning your everyday tasks and activities if you are fond of writing in planners and organization apps like Trello or Notion. The page has a simple layout, listing the hours in the day and sections for writing about tasks and goals. This journal page can also be a weekly planner, with days of the week instead of hours. Or as a monthly planner for listing goals or highlights for each month in the year.


I’m not used to sharing things online, like my poetry. It’s not my strong suit, but it is something I enjoy writing in my own time. Moving forward, I plan on highlighting this art form more often in my journal pages. Poems and other excerpts of my writing that I am proud of. It’s my own way of art journaling without drawing, or painting, or sketching. This same page idea could show your song lyrics, your favourite quote, or another text piece you’re proud of too.


This page is modelled on websites such as Rotten Tomatoes or Goodreads to write down titles or stick pictures of posters or covers and giving the works a rating of 1 to 5 stars. I like this page because it gives a nice overview of all the things I read or watched or listened to during the month. The journal page can be used for books, tv shows, films, music albums, and even YouTube channels.

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