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Journal With Me: books, tv & film

Books, media and pop culture are a huge part of our lives. Everyone is either logged onto to their Netflix account, listening to music on Spotify, or binge-reading a new book.

I’ve praised keeping a media journal in the past as a way to track all the things that entertain you. And as a way of writing down your thoughts and ideas about them.

Sadly, I’ve neglected my media journal for the last few months. But I am motivated and excited to start writing in it again. This time, I’ve created a monthly spread with specific pages to fill in as well as blank pages for any other ideas I have.

As inspiration and a small guide, I thought it would be fun to go into more detail about how I structured the monthly spread in my media journal. All the pages I’ve included and why, and how you can start writing in a media journal today.

If you like bullet journaling and want to start a daily journal for books, media and pop culture, stay here and read the rest of this post. Let me show you how I created my media journal spread for March 2020.

Monthly overview

This is the first page in the spread. Like a bullet journal, it includes a calendar of all the days in the month. I’ve also drawn in 3 boxes. These are for my favourite film, song, and tv series (or episode) of the month. As you can see the page is very minimalist but still has color.

Songs of the month

This next page is a place to jot down new songs I find throughout the month. It’s a neat way to see what music I was listening to at a glance. Also, if you like to make monthly playlists on Spotify (which is really trendy) this is a great way to start.

Playlist ideas

Similar to ‘songs of the month’, this page is for brainstorming. Whether it’s titles, aesthetics or ideas for new playlists, I will write them down here as a reference guide. It’s a neat way to stay creative and make content.

Currently watching

This is a page I used to write in my bullet journal. Now, I’ve decided it fits better in my media journal. The basic idea of this page is to make a note of any films or tv shows you watch throughout the month. At a glance, it shows how you spent your time during the month. I also use it as a reference for any reviews I want to write.

To Be Read

If you’re an avid reader, then you must have some form of a TBR list. Either on Goodreads, Book Depository, or even on social media. This is a page you can write your current TBR list on and to add any new books you discover. It works best if you follow profiles in the ‘bookstagram’ community, or book bloggers on Tumblr or get newsletters from Goodreads.

To Be watched

If you have any kind of online streaming account, like YouTube or Netflix, then you probably have a list of things you want to watch. This page is similar to the TBR page (that’s why they’re placed together). The idea is to use it as a reference and a checklist of any online content you plan to watch during the month. It is also great to use it for any films coming to cinemas near you.


As someone who enjoys finding new vlog channels, podcasts, and blogs, this page is a space to write about any meaningful content I find. Such as a self-development podcast, a recipe channel, or a blog post. Later, you might give this information to a friend or use it to create a link roundup on social media.


Another page that used to be in my bullet journal. This is a fun page to write if you enjoy poetry, books, writing, song lyrics and typography (like me). I tend to follow a lot of ‘quote’ accounts on Instagram and Tumblr. Any words that stand out to me are written down.

Reviews and Lists

I mentioned these page in my previous post about starting a media journal. These are the pages that will fill up the extra space at the end of the monthly spread, to write as I want to. You can find out more about what to write on these pages in my other post: how to write in a media journal

There you have it, my media journal spread for March 2020. While the pages are more creative, they’re still quick to fill in at the end of the day in 15 minutes. Less pressure and low maintenance. If you enjoy books, media and pop culture and you want a meaningful way to record your interest in them, go out and buy a new notebook and start your media journal today!

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